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Studio Etiquette

General Division classes begin Saturday, September 14, 2024.


Company Division classes begin Friday, September 13, 2024.


AIM staff would like to take this opportunity to welcome both our returning and new students and their families to Art in Motion Dance.


Parents..thank you for your efforts and support with scheduling, carpooling, dress code and everything you do to ensure your children arrive for classes prepared and on time – your efforts are appreciated.


In preparation for the start of the season please read the following information:


When you enter the lobby……shhhhh! Noise in the lobby easily travels into the studio! In consideration of classes in session or instructors doing prep work, please keep noise to a minimum—thank you.


Arrival Time: It is required you arrive and are ready no later than 15 minutes prior to your first class. Arriving late or just on time is not acceptable and causes an unfair disruption to the class. Beginner & Junior Ballet only need to arrive 5 minutes early.


First Class of the Day: The studio door will open 15 minutes prior to the first class of the day. If you arrive any earlier than this please remain in the lobby until the instructor opens the doors. If the door is closed the instructor may be inside doing prep work. Please do not knock on the door, they will open the door at the correct time.


Warm Up: It is expected of you to use the time before your class to stretch and warm up. With everyone warm and ready to go more class time can be used for beneficial instruction.

Please be sure to clean up behind yourself in the warm up area, change room/washroom and studio - take ALL of your belongings with you!


Names” - as we have many students wearing the same dress code, please take the time to write your student’s name on their belongings (including shoes). It is very easy to pick up the wrong bodysuit, shoe, tights, etc.


Cell phones are not allowed to be used in class. There is a drop box for any phones during class time.




  • As a sign of respect, female instructors are to be addressed with the title “Miss” such as “Miss Emily”, including all student instructors and guest instructors.

  • Please show your courtesy to your instructor and be sure to thank them at the end of each class.

  • Respect & consideration of others by Staff, Students & Parents is expected at all times.

  • Students are expected to be helpful, polite & respectful at all times.


AIM has zero tolerance for disrespect, negativity and/or badmouthing of your fellow students or studio. We are all a team and need to upbuild and encourage one another as a team.



AIM is for the “passionate, dedicated dancer” and requires a high level of commitment from our students and parents. Arriving on time prepared to give 100% in every class and being supportive of each other is essential for you & your teammates’ success and achievement.



If you are too ill to attend class please email the studio or call and AIM staff to leave a message explaining your absence. This will be passed on to the instructor.

Unless you are ill regular attendance is mandatory. Missed classes not only put you behind in your class but takes time away from other students during your next class when time has to be spent re-teaching what you have missed.

Please email for any absences.



Just a reminder that is expected all students are in proper dress code for every class, including hair.



Scheduled studio closures are factored into class tuition and are not subject to a make up class. Please review the AIM Dance Calendar carefully - any changes will be updated on website.

Classes cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control such as extreme weather, power outage, teacher illness, etc. will have a scheduled make up class.



Throughout the season there will be many important notices emailed home, posted in the studio, or posted on the AIM website. It is up to you to stay informed. Please take the time to read your emails, come into the studio to view the information board or review the website. Always feel free to call/email if you think you may be missing information. Failure to be informed can lead to potential problems.



Please ensure you send your child prepared for their class with sufficient water and healthy snacks (dependent on length of class). No junk food please. It is important to bring these items to class in advance to avoid disruptions with parents dropping off food in between sessions. Class durations of under 2 hours will not have time for a snack break.



Please drop all payments off in studio mailbox during studio hours in an envelope clearly marked with the students name and amount. Please do not hand money or paperwork to AIM staff in the lobby. If you have cash in envelope please take a photo of completed envelope with NAME/DATE/AMOUNT and email photo to AIM as back-up.


We expect all parents to communicate with the studio. Positive comments and suggestions are always wonderful and greatly appreciated.


If you need to discuss a matter regarding your child with the teacher please contact AIM staff and arrangements will be made. Please do not ask the teachers questions between classes as this is takes away from valuable class time.


Our schedule is subject to change throughout the month of September. You will be notified of any changes right away.


Contact Information: Please contact us at any time for information. We have many parents email and apologize for “bothering” us with their questions when in fact we are grateful you come forward asking for information or clarification on subjects you are unsure of. We’re more than happy to respond to your inquiries.


Thank you for taking the time to read this information - we are very excited to begin the new dance season with you!

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